タイトル: Singapore’s Involvement in WMD Proliferation
Dear (宛名),
I am an activist campaigning to stop the criminal activities of North Korea and I am writing to urge the Singapore government to prevent some Singapore registered shipping companies from violating UN Security Council Resolution 1874, and investigate their involvement in Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) proliferation and other illicit activities.
North Korea’s main exports are weapons, illegal drugs and counterfeit cigarettes, and whether intentionally or not, shipping companies will inevitably be involved in these activities.
Below is the text of UNSCR 1874 from the UN Department of Public Information.
The UN has expressed concerns about the implementation of sanctions.
The following is a photo of myself in a press conference.
Dear (宛名),
I am an activist campaigning to stop the criminal activities of North Korea and I am writing to urge the Singapore government to prevent some Singapore registered shipping companies from violating UN Security Council Resolution 1874, and investigate their involvement in Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) proliferation and other illicit activities.
North Korea’s main exports are weapons, illegal drugs and counterfeit cigarettes, and whether intentionally or not, shipping companies will inevitably be involved in these activities.
Below is the text of UNSCR 1874 from the UN Department of Public Information.
The UN has expressed concerns about the implementation of sanctions.
The following is a photo of myself in a press conference.
The Tonghae Shipping Agency Pte Ltd (RCB: 198403963C) and the Chinpo Shipping Company Pte Ltd (RCB: 197000692R) are both located inside the North Korean embassy at The Plaza at 7500 Beach Road and have been operating
for decades. Even though they are protected by diplomatic privileges, their directors are Singapore citizens and the world will see them as Singaporean companies.
Tonghae means East Sea in Korean and interestingly, there is a shipping company at Changgwang Street, Pyongyang called the Korea Tonghae Shipping Company which has been sanctioned by the Japanese government since 19 September 2006 for involvement in WMD and missile programs. A list provided by the Japanese government says “B, C, M, N,” for the company which stands for biological weapon, chemical weapon, missile and nuclear weapon.
On 8 April 1996, a North Korean national was arrested and later convicted in
Japan for smuggling 50 kilos of sodium fluoride, basic ingredients of sarin nerve gas, for the Korea Tonghae Shipping Company.
The Korasia Shipping & Trading Pte Ltd (RCB: 198600017H) was reported by
the New York Times for operating ships for North Korea. The report also says
a major shareholder of Korasia, Singapore citizen Mr Chong Koy Sen, is a major
shareholder of the Cambodia Shipping Corporation Pte Ltd (now known as Pacific Asia Holdings Pte Ltd RCB: 199404254Z) which registered many North Korean vessels for Cambodia, until 2002, when the French Navy seized a Cambodian flag cargo ship for cocaine smuggling and the Cambodian government canceled its contract with the Cambodia Shipping Corp.
The case was reported by the Guardian in 2002.
Mr Chong Koy Sen was severely criticized by the Washington Times for undermining the national security of the US by providing Mongolian ship registry to North Korean vessels.
The following article titled “Korasia - the Secret Behind NK’s Successful Weapons Exports” from the Open Radio for North Korea (ORNK) says Korasia confirmed that they are managing vessels for the North and mentions a specific case.